
Empowering families on their pathway out of poverty.

Today, almost 700 million people are caught in the vicious cycle of poverty, lacking the means to meet basic necessities. These families have the same desire to provide for their children - what they lack is opportunity. With your help, through microfinance, training, and support, Opportunity International Canada empowers families to build better lives for themselves, and leave poverty behind for good.


700M people live in extreme poverty on less than $2.15 per day.

50% of people in poverty are women who face unequal access to financial services.

98% of people experiencing food insecurity live in developing countries.

Together, let's rewrite a narrative filled with resilience and opportunity.

Imagine a world where the cycle of poverty is broken, where dreams are nurtured, and where possibilities are endless. That’s the potential of opportunity. Your partnership with Opportunity International is an investment in a brighter future for those who need it most. Your support can help people trapped in poverty to build sustainable businesses, feed and educate children, create jobs for neighbours, and change futures for generations to come!


Give Monthly

Join us in making an impact towards poverty alleviation with monthly giving. A donation as little as $20/month can improve the lives of those trapped in poverty.



There are countless ways to make a difference. Whether you're passionate about fundraising, volunteering, or spreading the word, you have a place in our community of change-makers.


Become a Partner

Connect with Opportunity's mission in a way that reflects your organization's vision, helps you engage your employees, and meet your business goals.


Sustainable solutions towards poverty alleviation.

At Opportunity International Canada, we have witnessed the transformative power of providing enterprising men and women with financial services, training, and support. Individuals can build better lives for themselves and change the future for themselves and their families, for generations to come.


Equipping entrepreneurs with financial services, training, and support to enable them to work their way out of poverty.


Ending the global education crisis by addressing barriers to quality education.


Upskilling female microfinance clients as Community Health Leaders.


Scaling our reach through unique, high-touch, high-tech solutions.


lives were impacted globally in 2023.
0 M
countries worldwide where we serve.
of loan clients are women.
0 %


See how your partnership is making a difference.

Teresa, Ghana

Teresa's first microloan was not just a financial turning point, but a life-changing moment. She recounted her story, vividly recalling the early days when she carried eggs on her head, selling them on the bustling streets. It was a humble beginning, one that reflects her determination to provide for her family in the face of difficulties.

Fabiola, Haiti

Fabiola's inspiring journey proves that with resilience, opportunity, and support, anyone can overcome even the toughest challenges. As a participant in an ultra-poverty graduation program, her story exemplifies the transformative power of supportive programs that alleviate poverty and provide a pathway to a better life.

Karla, Nicaragua

Karla’s bustling household is a hub of activity, where she resides with her four children and twenty other relatives in a shared family home. Space is a precious commodity in their crowded living environment, but Karla has ingeniously carved out her own corner, where she has nurtured a thriving business that’s reshaping her life.

About Opportunity International Canada
The potential to see poverty alleviated in our lifetime.

At Opportunity International Canada, we are driven by a steadfast commitment to empowering individuals around the world through the transformative power of microfinance. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful idea: that every person, regardless of their circumstances, deserves the opportunity to build a better life for themselves and their families. 

With a deep-rooted belief in the entrepreneurial spirit and untapped potential of individuals living in poverty, we provide financial resources, training, and support to help them start and grow their own businesses. By doing so, children are able to go to school, families are fed, jobs are created for neighbours, and communities begin to thrive – that’s the potential of Opportunity!

And it all starts with one small loan. We invite you to learn more about what we do and then, join us in our mission to help families work their way out of poverty, for good. 

Opportunity delivered.

Stay up-to-date on how your partnership is providing hope and opportunity to those who need it!