The Third Step: Working Together to Bring Lasting Change



We’re now two weeks into our Walking People Out of Poverty journey as we just completed our 15th day. It was a very tough day as we walked 27 km over very rough terrain and climbing over 5,000 feet.  
Oh, the climbing! I underestimated the toll the climbs would have on me both physically and mentally. But, when the going gets tough, what pushes me up those steep ascents is remembering why we are doing this – for the clients in Nicaragua.  

Each one of our clients are navigating their own set of challenges and difficulties as they work their way out of poverty and build better lives for themselves and their families. 


One of the most remarkable aspects of our work that drives us forward is community, and I can’t help but think about how it mirrors our journey on this trail. Just like each hiker brings unique strengths to support each other, our mission thrives when individuals, organizations, and communities come together.  

I couldn’t walk this journey without my fellow hikers – the Wanderer, Cameraman, Payday, and Woody.   

Community isn’t merely a strategy; it’s our shared belief that together, we can overcome even the steepest challenges. Through working with Implementing Partners, and encouraging and empowering entrepreneurs through accountability with others, we embody the principle that when we work together, we leave no one behind. 


The transformative nature of our work goes beyond providing financial assistance; it’s about fostering a sense of belonging, ownership, and mutual support. 

One prime example of this is Lidia, a 70+ year old client who I met in Nicaragua.  

For years, Lidia struggled to get her business off the ground, however, since joining ASODENIC and a Trust Group, Lidia has more than doubled her inventory and income.  

Her caring naturehas earned her the trust of her fellow group members who voted her Trust Group Secretary. “ASODENIC has been a great blessing. I encourage the others to use their money wisely so they can pay their loans on time.”  

What’s even more remarkable is the ripple effect she’s created within her community. 

Today, Lidia has hired four neighbors who work as resellers, taking her products out into the community to sell. They share the profits, creating a web of collaboration that uplifts everyone involved.  


Just as each step brings us closer to our destination, each collaborative effort, brings us closer to a world where opportunity knows no boundaries.With collaboration, community empowerment, and a spirit of adventure guiding us, we embrace the challenges ahead with determination and optimism. 


This post is part of a CEO Blog series on Dan’s reflections as he embarks on a 700+ KM hike, Walking People Out of Poverty. Through the hike, he aims to raise support and awareness of our work of poverty alleviation in Nicaragua.

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